"If a true school is to be founded in India, the school must be from the beginning group. The School will make use of the best methods in agriculture, the breeding of livestock and development of village crafts. The teachers, students and people of the surrounding countryside will be related to each other with the strong and intimate ties of livelihood. They shall co-operate to produce all the necessities of their own existence."
– Rabindranath Tagore
Palli-Siksha Bhavana (Institute of Agriculture) was established on September 1, 1963 as Palli- Siksha Sadana and later renamed as Palli – Siksha Bhavana in the Visva-Bharati Act, as amended in1984. Palli-Siksha Bhavana (Institute of Agriculture) imparts education in Agricultural Sciences both at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. It offers four-years (eight semesters) B. Sc.(Ag.) Honours Course and two-years M. Sc.(Ag.) courses in Agronomy, Plant Protection, Agricultural Extension, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry and Horticulture with semester system of examination. There are facilities for research leading to Ph.D. degree in all branches of Agricultural Sciences. Apart from teaching and research, Palli-Siksha Bhavana (Institute of Agriculture) is also engaged in extension activities in the field of agriculture in the surrounding villages and elsewhere.
Rural Awareness Work Experience (RAWE) and Experiential Learning are compulsory and a part of the academic curriculum for undergraduate students. Other academic support units are Agricultural Farm, Horticultural Farm, Dairy and Poultry Farm, Soil Testing Laboratory, Library and Rathindra Krishi Vigyan Kendra. The institute has its own placement cell. Accommodation in boys and girls hostels is possible subject to availability of vacant position.
B.Sc (Ag) / M.SC(Ag)
Palli Siksha Bhavana
Agricultural Extension
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Entomology
Agricultural Statistics
Animal Science
Crop Physiology
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Horticulture and Post-Harvest Technology
Plant Pathology
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Faculty List
Prof. Arun Kumar Barik
1. Dr. Jayanta Kr. Chatterjee
2. Dr. Y. V. Rao
Letter of Accreditation of ICAR to Palli Siksha Bhavana from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2024