
Prof. Biplab Loha Chowdhury

Centre for Journalism & Mass Communication
Visva-Bharati University

Date of Birth  12.02.1964
Date of Joining   02.05.2011
Qualification B.Sc. (Hons), M.A, Ph.D
Designation Professor
Area of specialization Media Organization  Management, Development Communication, Indian Perspective of Communication
E-mail Id



91-8670681901 (mobile)
03463253316 (Office)


Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)

  1. Information Gap Elimination  Meet Series.Journal of Social Work and Social Development, Visva-Bharati,Vol.2, 2010
  1. Atmaboi Jayate Putraho:Rabiputra Rathindranath (Bengali), Antarbaha, ISSN2278-7380, Vol.12,May 2013
  2. Rathindranath o Ramanando Chattopadhyay (Bengali), Antarbaha, ISSN2278-7380, Vol.9, September 2011

Chapters in Books

  1. Media & Volunteering  in UNDP-UNVF volume  Volunteering In India Contexts, Perspectives and Discourses,UNDP India Office, New Delhi,2012
  2. Indian Perspective & Tradition of Volunteering published in UNDP-UNVF volume Volunteering In India Contexts, Perspectives and Discourses, UNDP India Office,2012  

Edited Books

 Issues in Media and Communication (Jointly edited ) February 2014, ISBN: 978-81-922957, Publisher – SBE

Books with ISBN with details of publishers

1.Nabamadhyamer Ruprekha (Bengali)-(An Outline of New Media), Paschimbanga Rajyo Pustak Parshad, Kolkata, 2013  ISBN 978-81-247-0715-9
2. Indian Paradigms of Development Man Standard and Communication,  Sampark Publishing House,Kolkata, 2011, 978-81-7768-058-4

International Visit


  1. Presented Paper on “ An Indian Experiment in IKS and Sustainable Rural Development” in World Congress of IUAES, at Yunan University, Kunming China in July 2009
  2. Presented paper on “ Communication and Economic Performance Synergy” in annual conference of Asian Communication & media Congress at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, October,2012


National Communities
  1. Member, Board of Research Studies in Journalism & Mass Communication, Burdwan University, West Bengal. (Till date)
  2. Member, BOS in Journalism, West Bengal State Text Book Board(Till date)
  3. Member, U.G. Board, Gour Banga University,Malda (Till 2012)
  4. Member,U.G.Board, West Bengal State University, Barasat (Till date)
  5. Member, P.G. Board, West Bengal State University,Barasat (Till date)
  6. Member of the Committee of Research  in Journalism & Mass Communication, NSOU,Kolkata
  7. Member of the Managing Committee, Arkadyuti College of Education, Suri
  8. Member, National Executive (India), Asian Communication & Media Congress
  9. Member of Media Information & Communication Centre of India
  10. Member, NCERT Committee  on  Curriculum for Media Studies,2010
  11. Manuscript Reviewer in Journalism & Mass Communication, WBSBB, Kolkata
  12. Member ,Trustee Board, GRTF, New Delhi
  13. Deputy Director (East), ACMC (India Chapter)
International Communities
  1. Member, Research Expert Panel in Journalism, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
Awards and Recognition

Nominated Deputy Director (East), India Chapter by Asian Communication and Media Congress (Hq. Manilla, Philippines)

Please Click here for detailed CV